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A cross in front of a pink sunset

Irrational Easter–could Jesus really conquer death, or are miracles impossible?

Published March 25, 2024 Amidst the egg hunts, chocolate bunnies, and barely edible sugar-covered marshmallows, it’s easy to forget the real meaning behind Easter. For Christians, Easter is about more than just pastel colors and family gatherings—it’s about the physical resurrection of a Jewish carpenter 2,000 years ago in Judea. This belief stands at the […]

Irrational Easter–could Jesus really conquer death, or are miracles impossible? Read More »

Disunity, the End of RZIM, and the Hope of the Gospel | Alycia Wood

Join Mike and Alycia Wood as they navigate the complex terrain of brokenness in the church and RZIM’s dissolution, offering insights into the challenges of disunity while anchoring their discussion in the resilience and solace of the Gospel. Before joining Apologetics Inc. as a speaker, Alycia worked at the Ravi Zacharias International Ministry (RZIM). She

Disunity, the End of RZIM, and the Hope of the Gospel | Alycia Wood Read More »

A teenage girl with black hair reads a book while laying on the grass by a stream

C.S. Lewis Shows Why Teens Absolutely Must Be Taught Critical Thinking

Published March 7, 2024 When 16-year-old C.S. Lewis stepped off the train at Great Bookham Railway Station in Surrey, England, that afternoon in February of 1914, he entered the intellectually intense world of his tutor, William T. Kirkpatrick, who was awaiting Lewis’ arrival. Young Lewis quickly learned that “The Great Knock,” as he would later

C.S. Lewis Shows Why Teens Absolutely Must Be Taught Critical Thinking Read More »

90’s Grunge, Jordan Peterson, and What the Arts Point To | Megan Almon

In this episode, Mike Sherrard and Megan Almon delve into the intriguing intersection of 90’s rock music, the philosophical insights of Jordan Peterson, and the profound questions surrounding the arts and their significance. Megan Almon is a speaker with Apologetics, Inc., and has worked extensively with the Life Training Institute, Summit Ministries, and Stand to

90’s Grunge, Jordan Peterson, and What the Arts Point To | Megan Almon Read More »

What is Intersex and what does it mean for the Transgender conversation?

Published Feb 7, 2024 As an apologist, the pressing questions of culture always make it to my stage. I have spent the better part of the past year addressing the topic of transgenderism—a topic that has spiked within recent years and has left the Church rapidly trying figure out how to respond. Whenever I speak

What is Intersex and what does it mean for the Transgender conversation? Read More »

How do we know the right books made it into the New Testament? 

This article first appeared on biblestudytools.com, November 2018   “To rewrite the history books…Constantine commissioned and financed a new Bible, which omitted those gospels that spoke of Christ’s human traits and embellished those gospels that made Him godlike. The earlier gospels were outlawed, gathered up, and burned.”1   This passage, from the bestselling Dan Brown novel The

How do we know the right books made it into the New Testament?  Read More »

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