Apologetics, Inc.

The Problem of Evil is a Problem for Atheists | Jay Watts

In an enlightening episode, I engaged in riveting discussions with Jay Watts, founder and president of Merely Human Ministries. Notorious for his energetic delivery, Jay shared personal experiences from his journey, transitioning from a self-proclaimed atheist to being a profound believer. He touched on his struggles growing up amidst broken family ties and dealing with the consequences of nihilism, and his transformative discovery of objective morals. The discussion further ventured onto profound societal trends—especially tribalism and secularism.

Our conversations also wound its way through poignant existential questions of morality, good versus evil, and God’s existence. These were examined against a background of philosophical thoughts, with Nietzsche’s ‘ubermensch’ theory and Dostoevsky’s depiction of existentialism being particularly noteworthy. Our discussion finally rested upon exploring the Christian worldview’s explanation of evil existence and the persistent human longing for justice.

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